- Surah-Al-Taubah
- Surah-Al-Bakarah
- Suah-Al-Inaam
- Surah-Al-Namal
- a
Masjid-E-Quba was the first Masjid of Islam.
Islamic Study MCQs
All Islamic Studies Solved MCQs are included in this portion of ETEST Website. All MCQs are taken from Current & Past Papers of different posts. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Jizya is:
- Poll Tax on Muslims
- Tax of Agriculture
- Poll Tax on Non-Muslims
- None of these
- c
Whose title is Saifullah?
- Ali (RA)
- Khalid Bin Waleed (RA)
- Ibrahim (AS)
- Musa (AS)
- b
Ali (RA) “Lion of Allah”
Ibrahim (AS) “Khalilullah”
Musa (AS) “Kaleemullah”
Duration of caliphate of Abu Bakar (R.A) was:
- 02 Years 01 Month
- 02 Years 03 Months
- 02 Years
- None of these
- b
The real name of Abu Bakar (R.A) was Abdullah.
When did five prayers become an obligation (Farz)?
- 12th Nabvi
- 13th Nabvi
- 11th Nabvi
- 10th Nabvi
- d
Roza & Zakaat became an obligation on2 Hijrah.
Hajj became an obligation on 9 Hijrah.
Which year is called the year of sorrow (Am-Ul-Huzn)?
- 9th Nabvi
- 11th Nabvi
- 10th Nabvi
- 8th Nabvi
- c
Death of Khadija (R.A)
Death of Abu Talib.
When did the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed “Hajjaat-ul-Wada”?
- 634 AD
- 633 AD
- 636 AD
- 632 AD
- d
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) performed total 04 Umrah and 1 Hajj.
Name the first authority for the compilation of Ahadees:
- Imam Maalik
- Imam Bukhari
- Imam Ahmed Bin Humble
- Imam Abu Hanifa
- a
The treaty Hudaibia was signed in:
- 4th Hijrah
- 5th Hijrah
- 6th Hijrah
- 7th Hijrah
- c
This Treaty was between Muhammad (S.A.W) from Medina and Quresh Tribe of Mecca in Dhu-Al-Qidah 6H.
How many Prophets are mentioned in Holy Quran?
- 24
- 25
- 26
- 27
- c