- Medina
- Makkah
- Palestine
- None of these
- a
Muhammad (PBUH) migrated from Makkah to Medina in 622 CE.
Islamic Study MCQs
All Islamic Studies Solved MCQs are included in this portion of ETEST Website. All MCQs are taken from Current & Past Papers of different posts. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Ibrahim (A.S) is known as ____
- Khalil Ullah
- Rooh Ullah
- Rasool Ullah
- None of these
- a
Title of Noah (A.S) is Abu Al Bashar E Sani and Naji Ullah.
Title of Yaqoob (A.S) is Israel.
Title of Younas (A.S) is Zul-Noon.
Title of Shoaib (A.S) is Khateeb Ul Ambiya.
Muhammad (PBUH) was born on ____
- Friday
- Tuesday
- Monday
- None of these
- c
Holy Prophet (PBUH) was born on Monday, Rabi Ul Awwal 571 AD in Makkah.
_____ is known as “Abu Al Bashar”.
- Adam (A.S)
- Ibrahim (A.S)
- Musa (A.S)
- None of these
- a
Adam (A.S) is also known as Safi Ullah.
The title of Ibrahim (A.S) is Khalil Ullah.
The title of Ismail (A.S) is Zabih Ullah.
The title of Musa (A.S) is Kaleem Ullah.
The title of Esa (A.S) is Rooh Ullah.
The title of Dawood (A.S) is Najeeb Ullah.
The meaning of word “Risalat” is ____
- Guide
- Messenger
- Leader
- None of these
- b
Second Kalimah is known as _____
- Tamjeed
- Shahadat
- Tayyab
- None of these
- b
First Kalimah is Tayyab.
Second Kalimah is Shahadat.
Third Kalimah is Temjeed.
Fourth Kalimah is Toheed.
Fifth Kalimah is Astagfhar.
Sixth Kalimah is Rad E Kuffar.
“Tauhid” is a word of ____ language.
- Arabic
- Urdu
- Persian
- None of these
- a
Tauhid means “The Oneness of God”
The opposite of Tauhid is Shirk.
The Battles which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) himself led are called Ghazwat. What is their total number?
- 18
- 27
- 35
- 58
- b
The battle in which Holy Prophet appointed of his companion to command is called Sirya.
Name the creation of Allah who are made of smokeless fire?
- Plants
- Jinns
- Angels
- Animals
- b
The above mentioned ayat is mentioned in Surah Al-Hijar Ayat No27.
Name “Muhammad” is mentioned in Quran for _____ times.
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- b
Surah Al-Imran
Surah Al-Ahzab
Surah Muhammad
Surah Al-Fath