- 7000
- 7500
- 8000
- 8500
- b
Islamic Study MCQs
All Islamic Studies Solved MCQs are included in this portion of ETEST Website. All MCQs are taken from Current & Past Papers of different posts. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
The real name of Imam Muslim (R.A) was_______
- Abu Al Hassan Hajjaj
- Hussain Al Muslim Hajjaj
- Abu Al Hussain Muslim Bin Hajjaj
- None of these
- c
Imam Muslim (R.A) was born in:
- 810 AD
- 815 AD
- 817 AD
- 850 AD
- c
He (R.A) was born in 1817 in Nishapur, Iran and died in 875 AD in Nasarabad, Iran.
Ali (R.A) was_______Caliph of Islam.
- First
- Second
- Third
- Fourth
- d
Asad Ullah is the title of:
- Ali (R.A)
- Usman (R.A)
- Hamza (R.A)
- Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A)
- a
The title of Ali (R.A) is Asad Ullah and Abu Turab also.
Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed 01 Hajj and________Umrah.
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- d
How many Hajj performed by Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- a
What was real name of Abu Hurera (R.A)?
- Umar Bin Khattab
- Abdul Rehman
- Waqas Bin Kaab
- None of these
- b
The real name of Abu Hurera (R.A) was Abdul Rehman Ibn E Shakr Al-Dawsi Al-Zahrani. He (R.A) belonged to tribe Zahran.
Which surah is on the name of metal?
- Surah Al-Hadid
- Surah Al-Hadid
- Surah Al-Rehman
- None of these
- a
Surah AL-Hadid is 57th Surah of Quran.
It is a Madni Surah.
It consists of 29 Verses.
The name of this surah is taken from 25th verse of this Surah.
Treaty of Hudaibiya was signed in which hijri?
- 2 AH
- 4 AH
- 6 AH
- 8 AH
- c