- 26
- 27
- 28
- 29
- b
The war in which Holy Prophet (PBUH) participated in called Ghazwa.
The war in which Holy Prophet (PBUH) not participated in called Sirya.
The life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) comprises on 27 Ghazwa and 47 Siraya.
Islamic Study MCQs
All Islamic Studies Solved MCQs are included in this portion of ETEST Website. All MCQs are taken from Current & Past Papers of different posts. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Treaty of Hudaibiya was signed in which year?
- 6 AH
- 7 AH
- 8 AH
- 9 AH
- a
Prophet (PBUH) performed Miner Hajj (Omra) on:
- 6 AH
- 7 AH
- 8 AH
- 9 AH
- b
Holy Prophet (PBUH) performed Omra in 7th Hijri.
Treaty of Hudaibiya was signed in 6th Hijri.
The name of Ibrahim (A.S) is mentioned in how many Surah of Quran?
- 18
- 25
- 28
- 30
- b
Ibrahim (A.S) is mentioned in Quran:
- 69 times
- 76 times
- 80 times
- 97 times
- a
The name of Ibrahim (A.S) is mentioned in 25 Surah of Quran.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) started preach openly in ……Nabvi.
- 4th Nabvi
- 5th Nabvi
- 6th Nabvi
- 7th Nabvi
- a
Which is the significant event of 6th Hijri?
- Holy Prophet Performed Prayer
- Holy Prophet Performed Umrah
- Holy Prophet Performed Hajj
- Treaty of Sulah Hudaibia
- d
Treaty of Hudaibia was written by Ali (R.A).
Abu Sufyan commander the infidels in which Ghazwa?
- Uhad
- Badar
- Khandaq
- Uhad & Badar
- a
Ghazwa E Uhad was fought in 7 Shawwal 3 Hijri.
Hazrat …..was martyred by Khalid Bin Waleed?
- Hissan Bin Sabit (R.A)
- Abdullah Bin Zubair (R.A)
- Saad Bin Muaz (R.A)
- None of these
- d
Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A) was died in 627 AD.
Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A) fought more then 50 Battles in his life.
…….is the best night mentioned in Quran.
- Night of Qadar
- Night of Meraj
- Night of Eid Ul Fitr
- Night of Eid Ul Azha
- a
The topic about Night of Qadar لیلۃ القدر is mentioned in Quran in 97 number Surah Al-Qadar.