- b
FBAO stands for Foreign Body Airway Obstruction.
Medical MCQs
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What is the importance of helping others in time of emergency?
- It destroys society
- It is not needed in any society
- It is valueless action
- It improves Society
- d
It improves Society.
It saves lives.
It promotes community strength.
It promotes moral values.
It stops from long term damages.
Fats absorbs in _____
- Small Intestine
- Stomach
- Stomach
- None of these
- a
Most of the fat absorption takes place in Small Intestine.
A short Neck with a webbed Appearance, Low Hairline at the back of the neck, Low set ears, Hands and Feet are symptoms of which disease?
- Epilepsy
- Alzheimer
- Down Syndrome
- Turner Syndrome
- d
Turner Syndrome is also known as Congenital Ovarian Hypoplasia Syndrome.
This term first time used by Henri Turner in 1938.
In a severe anemia HB levels comes down to____
- 6.5 g/dl
- 7.2 g/dl
- 8 g/dl
- None of these
- a
In severe anemia, hemoglobin (Hb) levels typically drop to below 7 g/dL.
Anemia is a problem which creates shortage of Red Blood Cells to carry oxygen to the body tissues.
During Asthma which type of blood cells increase in blood?
- Monocytes
- Neutrophils
- Eosinophils
- Lymphocytes
- c
During Asthma specific blood cells may increase in blood, these includes Eosinophils, Lymphocytes, Mast Cells and also Neutrophils (in rare cases).
Which thing increase cause tissues damaging?
- Glucose
- Blood Pressure
- Heart Diseases
- None of these
- b
There are different causes which damage the tissues which may be Physical Trauma, Infection, Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, Poor Blood Supply, Overuse of Strain, Nutritional Deficiencies and etc.
Which of the following is Universal Recipient?
- A
- AB
- B
- O
- b
Blood Group AB is called Universal Recipient because it can receive blood from any other blood group.
O Negative Blood Group is called Universal Blood Donor.
Examples of International disasters are:
- Terrorism
- Plane Crash
- Accidents
- Shoot Out
- a
Terrorism, Tsunami, Flood, Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster are some examples of International disaster.
Initial data obtained by EMT is called:
- EMT Diagnosis
- Basic Diagnosis
- Assessment
- Clinical Diagnosis
- c