- Intra Dermal Route
- Oral Route
- Nasal Cavity
- Intra Muscular Route
- B
There are four routes of vaccinations which are Oral, NAS, Subcut and IM.
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Vaccine for Influenza virus is given through:
- Nasal Spray
- Intra Dermal
- Both A & B
- Scarification
- C
Flu vaccines are also called “Flu Shorts”.
Flu vaccines are given with needle or with nasal spray.
Which vaccine is administered by scarification?
- Rabies
- Polio
- Smallpox
- D
Smallpox vaccine consist of live virus.
This virus controlled infection and force your immune system to defend.
BCG vaccine is ____ dose vaccine.
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
- A
A single dose of BCG is required to provide lifetime immunity.
Second / Booster dose is not recommended by WHO.
WHO stands for World Health Organization.
Which type of vaccines are used for meningococcal infection?
- Conjugate
- Toxoid
- Killed
- Attenuated
- A
This type of vaccine may be live or inactivated.
There are two types of vaccines are used in meningococcal infection.
Which disease is treated with radiations?
- Smallpox
- Cancer
- Measles
- Whooping Cough
- B
Treatment with Radiations is called Radiotherapy.
About 50% patients of Cancer are suggested Radiotherapy.
Radiotherapy is also used to treat Thyroid disease and Blood disorder.
Diarrhea is caused by which bacteria?
- Rotavirus
- Measles
- Hib Virus
- None of these
- A
Rotavirus and Escherichia Coli are two most common agent for severe diarrhea.
Other pathogens such as Cryptosporidium and Shigella Species are also causes of diarrhea.
Which of the following is main cause of tetanus?
- Mycobacterium
- Brodetella peruses
- Clostridium Tetani
- Salmonella Typhi
- C
Tetanus is an infection.
Tetanus is everywhere in the environment.
Tetanus is not spread from person to person.
Which bacterial disease effects on eyes?
- Osteoporosis
- Gum Disease
- Trachoma
- None of these
- C
Trachoma is most dangerous infection as compare to other infections.
It causes more vision loss and blindness.
Trachoma disease is caused by Chlamydia Trachomatis.
First milk that is given to a child after birth is called:
- First Milk
- Colostrums
- Antigen
- Angibodies
- B
Colostrums is also called “Liquid Gold”.
First milk after birth is very important for child because it has a lot of antioxidants and antibodies that keep baby healthy.