- Innate Immunization
- B-Cell mediated
- Passive Immunization
- Active immunization
- C
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Some viral vaccines contain purified viral proteins and are often called:
- Live Vaccines
- PS Vaccines
- Killed Vaccines
- Subunit Vaccine
- D
The ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or Sensitized WBCs known as:
- Sterilization
- Vaccination
- Immunity
- Virulence reduction
- C
Protection of the unimmunized Individual based on immunization of a sufficient number of other member of the population is:
- Passive immunity
- Pre-exposure immunity
- Post-exposure immunity
- Herd immunity
- D
Induction of Active-passive immunity is useful in the prevention of which one of the following pair viral diseases?
- Hepatitis A and Dangue
- Hepatitis B and Rabies
- Mumps and Yellow Fever
- Measles and Rubells
- B
Smallpox vaccine is not used for which one of the following special group?
- Adults
- Pregnant Females
- Military and certain medical staff
- Immunocompromised person
- B
During Pregnancy, Smallpox vaccine can harm the fetus.
RIGs are obtained from which one of the following sources?
- Humans
- Dogs
- Cats
- Monkey Calls
- A
RIG stands fro Rabies Immune Globulin (RIG).
RIG obtained from blood plasma of humans who have high level of antibodies in their blood.
Which of the following viral hepatitis does not have any vaccine?
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis D
- Hepatitis C
- Hepatitis D
- C
There are available vaccines to prevent Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B but not available for Hepatitis C.
Which one of the following pair vaccines are also effective post-exposure of those viruses?
- Polio and Influenza
- Rabies and Rubella Vaccines
- Hepatitis B and Rabies Vaccines
- Varicella and Rotavirus Vaccine
- B
Which one of the following scientist developed Rabies Vaccination?
- Louis Pasteur
- Louis Pasteur
- Alexander Fleming
- Edward Jenner
- B
He was a Chemist and Microbiologist.