- Burning of food
- Too much eating
- Food poisoning
- None of these
- c
Good food hygiene prevents food poisoning and food waste.
It also prevents allergic reactions.
Medical MCQs
All Solved Medical related MCQs have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All MCQs will help to pass Medical related Exams of All Jobs and Admissions. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
What happens to our body if we don’t wash regularly?
- Loot tired
- Dry skin
- Bad Odour
- Nothing
- c
"If we do not maintain regular hygiene practices, it can lead to body odor, skin infections, unpleasant sweat odors, and the accumulation of dead skin cells."
To perform Urine Test, which time Urine is best?
- Early Morning
- Afternoon
- After Food
- Before Sleep
- a
The recommended time to perform Urine Test is early in the morning as soon as you wake up after a rest.
If it is not possible, Urine Test can be conduct after four hours from the previous Urination.
Bile created by:
- Glucose
- Gallbladder
- Kidney
- None of these
- b
Bile is a greenish yellow fluid that is produced by Liver which helps to break down Fats and turns into energy during digestion system.
The Gallbladder stores the Bile.
Analgesic Medicines are used for:
- Pain Relief
- For Anxiety
- Inflammation
- Inflammation
- a
Analgesic medicines are called Pain Relievers.
These medicines are used in different pains like Acute pain, Chronic pain, Pain from Injury and Pain from other conditions.
Analgesic medicines are also used to treat other disorders like Shortness of breath, Coughing and Diarrhea.
In which trimester of pregnancy most likely to damage the fetus by drug?
- 1st Trimester
- 2nd Trimester
- 3rd Trimester
- 4th Trimester
- a
A period of three months is called Trimester.
The pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, which are:
First Trimester consist of 01-12 weeks.
Second Trimester consist of 13-27 weeks.
Third Trimester consist of 28-40 weeks.
Which one is not the part of brain?
- Pons
- Medulla Oblongata
- Hind Brain
- Spinal Cord
- d
Pons is a part of Brainstem, it connects different parts of the brain. It also regulates different functions like Sleeping and Breathing.
Medulla Oblongata is also part of Brainstem, it control different vitals i.e. Heart Beat Rate and Reparation Rate.
Hindbrain is main part of brain which consist of Pons, Medulla Oblongata and Cerebellum.
The brain is divided into three parts which are The Forebrain, The Midbrain and the Hindbrain.
Heat detector is used for finding of:
- Reason of Fire
- Temperature of Fire
- Extinguishing of Fire
- Ignition of Fire
- b
In case of neck and back bone injury which precaution may be followed?
- Such patient should be transferred to medical facility with great care and minimum movement of patient
- No care is needed in such cases
- Try to adjust the effect area at place of incident
- None of these
- a
You can use heavy towels or rolled sheets on both sides of neck or hold the head and neck to stop movement.
Which of the following is the basic principle of proving first aid?
- First of all check the bruises and cuts
- First of all try to bandage the wounds
- First of all give water to patient
- First of all preserve the life of causality and rescuer
- d
The basic principle to providing first aid is to give immediate care, stop the injury and make possible to hospitalize the victim.