- Water
- Wealth
- Fire
- Height
- b
Fear of Water is called Hydrophobia.
Fear of Fire is called Pyrophobia.
Fear of Height is called Acrophobia.
Fear of Dark is called Nyctophobia.
Fear of Animals is called Zoophobia.
Fear of Dogs is called Cynophobia.
Fear of People is called Anthophobia.
Medical MCQs
All Solved Medical related MCQs have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All MCQs will help to pass Medical related Exams of All Jobs and Admissions. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Which symptom is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin D?
- Weak Bones
- Anemia
- Constipation
- Vomiting
- a
Its also causes of bones pain and muscle weakness.
انسان کا نارمل بلڈ پریشر یا فشار خون کتنا ہوتا ہے ؟
- 120/80
- 110/80
- 100/70
- 90/60
- a
بلڈ پریشر کا نارمل ہونا انسانی زندگی بہت ضروری ہے۔ اسے آپ مختلف ادویات کی مدد سے کنٹرول تو کر سکتے ہیں لیکن مکمل چھٹکارا اس مرض سے حاصل نہیں ہو سکتا۔بلڈ پریشر پر کنٹرول کا بہترین حل یہ ہے کہ آپ اپنی خوراک بہتر کریں اور ورزش کا اپنی زندگی کا معمول بنائیں۔بلڈ پریشر کا یونٹ ایم ایم ایچ جی ہے۔
Which is the longest bone in human body?
- Leg
- Femur
- Arm
- None of these
- b
The smallest bone of human body is “Stapes” that is found in ear.
The human kidneys are:
- Bean Shaped
- Orange Shaped
- Pea Shaped
- Carrot Shaped
- a
Kidneys are two bean shaped organ.
Kidneys are located just below the ribs.
Healthy Kidneys filter about a half cup of blood in every minute.
The first aid treatment for chocking involves the deliver of:
- Back blows
- Abdominal thrust
- Both A & B
- Out blows
- c
This treatment is called FBAO.
FBAO stands for “Foreign Body Airway Obstruction”.
A defibrillator is a medical device used to deliver a controlled electrical shock to a victim of:
- Heart Attack
- Cardiac Arrest
- Imprisonment Person
- Mental Disorder
- b
This device is known as AED.
AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator.
If there is no space next to the victim to kneel and perform chest compression, then deliver chest compression using the _____
- Control the supine
- Over the head technique
- Over the abdomen technique
- b
Over the head technique is used in case of single rescuer.
Abdomen Technique is a three rescuer CPR technique.
Stop CPR only if ____
- EMT arrives and asks you to stop
- Kneel at the victim's side, parallel to the chest
- As the victim roll over
- CPR needs to be performed continuously
- a
You can stop CPR in the following situations.
Cold to the touch
Rigor Mortis
Livor Mortis
Injuries not compatible with life
Advance help arrives
If you are trained rescuer and willing to deliver rescue breaths. Then perform _____ rescue breaths after each set of thirty compression.
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
- b