- 98
- 120
- 100
- None of these
- d
Correct Answer is 24-72 hours.
Medical MCQs
All Solved Medical related MCQs have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All MCQs will help to pass Medical related Exams of All Jobs and Admissions. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
How many lobes have both lungs?
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- b
The right lungs has three lobs and left lungs has two lobes.
Cause of anaphylaxis shock is:
- Spider’s Bite
- Stroke
- Choking
- None of these
- d
This type of shock occurred due to Allergic Reaction.
The drug of choice for treating a newborn with presumed ductal-dependent cyanotic congenital heart disease is:
- Dobutamine
- Indomethacin
- Prostaglandin E1
- Morphine
- c
Prostaglandin E1 is also known as Alprostadil.
Which of the following drugs are proton pump inhibitors?
- Omoprozole
- Carpazapines
- Sabutamol
- None of these
- a
You highly suspect that your assigned client has abdominal sustention. You most need to do and chat which of the following things:
- Have another nurse verify your soupspoons.
- Measure Abdominal girth at the most distended level
- Measure the abdominal girth at the Umbilical.
- None of these
- b
What is the lower position of a heart called:
- Apex
- Base
- Down Position
- None of these
- d
Lower position of a heart is called Ventricle.
What is first step in any type of patient assessment?
- Check for Breathing
- Scene Safety
- Open Airway
- Check Pulse
- b
What does BSI stands for:
- Basic Safety Information
- Body Substance Isolation
- Body Substance Infection
- Basic Scene Information
- b
The Phalanges are located in the:
- Hand
- Ear
- Shoulder
- None of these
- a
Phalanges are the bones that makes fingers of the hands and toes of the foot.