- Triglycerides
- Cholesterol
- a
Medical MCQs
All Solved Medical related MCQs have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All MCQs will help to pass Medical related Exams of All Jobs and Admissions. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Which is the more concerning for non-accidental injury in children?
- Rib fracture in a two months old baby who climbed out to his cot
- Femoral fracture in a ten year old involved in a road traffic accident
- Rib fracture in a teenager playing rugby
- Tibia fracture in an 8 year old playing football
- a
As an EMT correct dose of Asprin to administer to a 65 year old patient with chest pain is:
- 150 mg
- 300 mg
- 600 mg
- 75 mg
- b
You should assume that all unresponsive trauma patients have a:
- Gag Reflex
- Head Injury
- Spinal Injury
- Internal Injury
- c
Morphine toxicity can cause:
- Diarrhea
- Mydriasis
- Respiratory Depression
- All of the Above
- d
High dose of Morphine can change your heart beat, drowsiness, extreme sleepiness and etc.
Metronidazol is prescribed for:
- Aerobic Infection
- Fungi Infection
- Viral Infection
- None of these
- d
It is an antibiotic.
It is used for Bacterial Infection.
The correct point of checking an infant’s pulse is:
- Femoral
- Radial
- Carotid
- Brachial
- c
There are seven types of pulse in human body.
PERRL is a term used in relation to what part of the body?
- Arms
- Eyes
- Legs
- Mouth
- b
This word is PERRLA.
PERRLA stands for:
P Pupils
E Equal
R Round
R Reactive
L Light
A Accommodation
Which one drug is used topically for genital herpes infection?
- Fusidic Cream
- Acyclovir
- Nitonavir
- Amantadine
- b
Acyclovir or Zovirox
It is and an antiviral medicine that is used for skin treatment against herpes virus.
The normal Respiration range for a healthy adult should be between …..breaths per min.
- 30-60
- 12-20
- 18-30
- None of these
- d
Normal Respiration rate of an Adult is 15-20.