- Nicosia
- Dublin
- Bern
- Prague
- d
All Categories
Vienna is the capital of _____
- Austria
- Switzerland
- Cyprus
- Denmark
- a
Which country is called the “Land of thousand Lakes”?
- Indonesia
- Finland
- Iceland
- Scotland
- b
Which country is called the “Land of Golden Fibre”?
- United States
- South Korea
- Bangladesh
- India
- c
Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately ______ islands.
- 10,000
- 12,500
- 15,000
- 17,500
- d
Which country is called “Land of thousand islands”?
- Malaysia
- Indonesia
- Ireland
- Finland
- b
World’s famous bridge “Golden Gate Bridge” is in _______
- San Francisco
- New Delhi
- France
- Sydney
- a
The smallest Sea of the World is ______
- Dead Sea
- Red Sea
- Baltic Sea
- Arabian Sea
- c
Yellow Sea lies between ________
- America and Canada
- England and France
- China and Korea
- Norway and Sweden
- c
22 April is observed internationally as _______
- Labour Day
- Environment Day
- Earth Day
- Press Freedom Day
- c