- Iceland
- Greenland
- England
- Sri Lanka
- b
All Categories
The headquarter of Transparency International is in ________
- Amsterdam
- Geneva
- London
- Berlin
- d
The headquarter of Amnesty International is in ________
- Amsterdam
- Geneva
- London
- Berlin
- c
The deepest part of the Earth is _______
- Dead Sea
- Mariana Trench
- South Africa
- South Pole
- b
The lowest part of the Earth is ______
- Dead Sea
- Mariana Trench
- South Africa
- South Pole
- a
The highest part of the Earth is _______
- Mount Everest
- K2
- Norway
- North Pole
- a
The permanent Secretariat of OIC is located in ______
- Makkah
- Madina
- Jeddah
- Riyadh
- c
Which country (by electorate) is the world’s largest democracy?
- United States
- United Kingdom
- China
- India
- d
The currency of Israel is _______
- Euro
- Shekel
- Forint
- Krone
- b
Which from the following countries is NOT a member of European Union?
- Norway
- Ireland
- Malta
- Estonia
- a