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The oldest university in the world is ______
- Cambridge University
- Oxford University
- University of Bologna
- University of Warwick
- c
The Great Wall of China is about ______ KM long.
- 18,196
- 19,196
- 20,196
- 21,196
- d
The International Court of Justice is located in ________
- New York
- Washington
- Geneva
- The Hague
- d
Which country from the following is NOT the member of UNO?
- Vatican City
- Afghanistan
- North Korea
- Vaitnam
- a
The United Nations was founded on ______
- March 24, 1945
- October 24, 1945
- March 24, 1949
- October 24, 1950
- b
Hindi – Urdu controversy of 1867 had far-reaching consequences because:
- To depend on the British Government for justice
- Made Muslims think to be close to the Hindu culture
- It was the forerunner of the Two-Nation Theory
- To be indifferent to the Controversy
- c
The power of the Legislative councils was increased by:
- Simon Commission Report
- Minto - Morley Reforms, 1909
- 3rd Round Table Conference
- None of these
- b
One of the main objectives of All – India Muslim League at the time of its creation was:
- To be loyal to the Indian British Government
- To take active part in the politics of the country
- To be close to Hindu community
- Not to take sides with any Indian community
- a
Mahmood breathed his last sigh on 30 April _______
- 1024 A.D
- 1026 A.D
- 1028 A.D
- 1030 A.D
- d