- 60
- 70
- 80
- 90
- a
All Categories
Nanga Parbat Peak is located in:
- None of these
- Himalaya Range
- Karakorum Range
- Hindukush Range
- b
Where is Lake Saif Ul Malook?
- Naaran
- Quetta
- Kaghan
- Gilgit
- c
Where is Secretariat of SAARC?
- Delhi
- Islamabad
- Katmandu
- Riyad
- c
SAARC stands for Southeast Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.
SAARC Secretariat is situated in Katmandu, Nepal.
Who is the Head of Cabinet?
- President
- Prime Minister
- Speaker of National Assembly
- Chairman Senate
- b
When did Pakistan became member of WTO?
- 1st Jan, 1997
- 1st Jan, 1995
- 1st Jan, 1998
- None of these
- b
WTO stands for World Trade Organization.
Liaqat-Nehru Pact was signed in:
- 8th April 1950
- 12th April 1950
- 8th April 1949
- 12th April 1949
- a
Objective Resolution of Pakistan was passed in:
- 1945
- 1947
- 1949
- 1952
- c
National Assembly has …….seats.
- 340
- 342
- 343
- 345
- b
Who was the first President of Pakistan?
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- Iskandar Mirza
- Ghulam Muhammad
- Hussain Soharwardi
- b