- Talented
- Brave
- Beautiful
- Sweet
- B
Cowardly بزدل
Brave بہادر
All Categories
Choose the Opposite word from given options: Competence
- Inability
- Efficiency
- Competition
- Compensation
- a
Competence قابلیت
Inability نااہلی
15×7 + 13×7=?
- 7*(13*15)
- (13*7)*15
- (15*13)+1
- (15*13)*7
- c
15*7 +13*7 (15*13)+1
105+91 195+1
196 196
The number 1,000,000,000 is read as:
- 10 Billion
- One Billion
- One Million
- 100 Billion
- b
1 B or 1 Bn
1000 Million
1 x 109
After removing brackets we simply do:
- d
B Brackets
O Order
D Division
M Multiplication
A Addition
S Subtraction
“Unusually cans made tin of are”If the above words were rearranged to make the best sentence, with what letter would the LAST word of the sentence begin?
- U
- C
- T
- M
- b
Cans are usually made of tins.
کین عام طور پر ٹنوں سے بنی ہوتی ہیں۔
Find the missing number in the series:15,45,…….
- 75
- 90
- 135
- 1150
- c
Indus Basin Treaty was signed by President Ayub Khan and Jawaharlal Nehru in:
- 1960
- 1965
- 1955
- 1975
- a
Indus Basin Treaty or Indus Water Treaty is two name of same treaty.
Indus Water Treaty was an agreement to solved the water conflict.
It was signed between India and Pakistan on 19th September 1960 on the guarantee of World Bank.
As of 1st December 2020, ______ was the Federal Minister for Defence?
- Asad Umar
- Omar Ayub Khan
- Pervaiz Khattak
- Murad Saeed
- c
Pervaiz Khattak took oath as Defence Minister on 30th August 2018.
He was 31st Defence Minister of Pakistan.
Pakistan has supported the Rohingya Muslims cause against the Government of:
- Cambodia
- Thailand
- Myanmar
- Vietnam
- c
The old name of Myanmar was Burma.
Burma name was changed to Myanmar in 1989.