- 1st AH
- 2nd AH
- 3rd AH
- 4th AH
- a
All Categories
Which sin will not be forgiven by Allah ?
- Jealousy
- Shirk
- Telling Lies
- Hypocrisy
- b
When did the last revelation came?
- 12 AH
- 11 AH
- 10 AH
- 09 AH
- c
Its 18 Zilhaj, 10 Hijri.
Which of the Surah of Quran is called “Zeenat of Quran”?
- Surah Rehman
- Surah Kousar
- Surah Ikhlas
- Surah Yaseen
- a
Abbasid Caliphate started from:
- 1250 AD to 1517 AD
- 750 AD to 1517 AD
- 909 AD to 1171 AD
- None of these
- b
The year of sorrow (Aam Ul Huzn) was:
- 619 AD
- 620 AD
- 618 AD
- 616 AD
- a
In which Surah, Bismillah has mentioned twice?
- Surah Namal
- Surah Toba
- Surah Ahzab
- Surah Bani Israel
- a
Surah Toba has no Bismillah.
When did Jihad became obligatory?
- 2 AH
- 3 AH
- 4 AH
- 5 AH
- a
Roza, Zakat and Jihad became obligatory in 2 AH.
How many names of Prophets have been mentioned in the Holy Quran?
- 25
- 26
- 27
- 28
- b
Name “Muhammad” is mentioned four times.
Name “Ahmed” is mentioned in Quran for One Time.
First Mosque constructed by Muhammad (PBUH) was:
- Masjid E Nabvi
- Masjid E Zarar
- Masjid E Quba
- Masjid E Aqsa
- C
Masjid E Zarar was demolished.