- Theory of Brownian Motion
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- b
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Which of the following river crosses the equator twice?
- Amazon
- Congo
- Ganga
- Nile
- b
Taklimakan desert is located in?
- China
- Magnolia
- Singapore
- Congo
- a
Which of the following is landlocked country?
- Bhutan
- Afghanistan
- Pakistan
- Afghanistan
- b
There are total 49 land locked countries in the world.
Akhori Dam is located in?
- Punjab
- Sindh
- Balochistan
- b
Akhori Dam is located in District Attock, Punjab.
The Headquarter of Asian Development Bank is located at:
- Manila
- Tokyo
- New York
- Paris
- a
What is the Diameter of Earth?
- 13700
- 14700
- 12742
- 11756
- C
Which blood group is called “Universal Donor “?
- o
- a
- b
- AB
- a
Name of the current Federal Minister of Narcotics?
- Murad Saeed
- Sheryar Afridi
- Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi
- Nawabzada Shahzain Bugti
- c
Name of the Joe Biden’s party is:
- Republican Party
- Conservative Party
- Democratic Party
- Labour Party
- c
Donald Trump belong to Republican Political Party.