- We playing Hockey.
- We used to play Hockey.
- We played Hockey.
- We used to being play hockey.
- b
All Categories
Select the correct translation of the following:کیا بچہ شام سے سوتا رہا ہو گا۔
- Will the baby has been sleeping since evening.
- Will the baby have been sleeping since evening.
- Will the baby have slept for evening.
- Will the baby has slept for morning.
- a
Select the opposite meaning (Antonym) from the given options. “Messy”
- Rough
- Plain
- Smooth
- Neat
- d
Messy گندا
Neat صاف
Select the opposite meaning (Antonym) from the given options.“Vowel”
- Noun
- Consonant
- Verb
- None of these
- b
Consonant ضرب المثل
Change the voice of the following: Who taught you to Judo?
- By whom was you taught to Judo?
- By who were you taught to Judo?
- By whom were you taught to Judo?
- None of these
- c
جوڈو کو آپ کو کس نے سکھایا؟
کس کے ذریعہ آپ کو جوڈو سکھایا گیا تھا؟
Change the voice of the following: She takes tea.
- She is drunken tea.
- Tea is taken by her.
- She is taken by tea.
- Tea is being taken by her.
- b
وہ چائے پیتی ہے۔
چائے اس کے ذریعہ سے پی گئی۔
Choose the indirect Speech: He said to me write it again.
- He suggested me to write it again.
- He advised me to write it again
- He told me to write it again.
- He ordered me to write it again.
- a
اس نے مجھ سے کہا اسے دوبارہ لکھو۔
اس نے مجھے دوبارہ لکھنے کی تجویز دی۔
Choose the indirect Speech:She said to him, Consult a doctor.
- She suggested him to consult a doctor.
- She advised him to consult a doctor.
- She asked him to consult a doctor.
- She told him to consult a doctor.
- b
اس نے اس سے کہا ، ڈاکٹر سے مشورہ کرو۔
اس نے اسے ڈاکٹر سے مشورہ کرنے کا مشورہ دیا۔
Choose the suitable answer from following: “She agreed ….my proposal”.
- to
- with
- about
- for
- a
"وہ میری تجویز سے متفق ہوگئیں"۔
Choose the suitable answer from following: “Barking Dogs……bite”.
- never
- always
- Weldon
- often
- a
"بھونکتے کتے کبھی نہیں کاٹتے ہیں"۔