- Indonesia
- Egypt
- Iran
- Pakistan
- a
Largest country in the world by population is China.
All Categories
How many member of UNSC?
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 25
- b
UNSC is main Organ of UN.
UNSC stands for United Nations Security Council.
There are five permanent member and ten non-permanent members in UNSC.
Who suggested the name of Pakistan?
- Ch. Rehmat Ali
- Quaid E Azam
- Allama Iqbal
- Muhammad Ali Johar
- a
Ch. Rehmat Ali suggested the name of Pakistan in 1933 in a pamphlet “Now or Never”.
Urdu declared as official language in:
- 1830
- 1832
- 1835
- 1865
- b
Urdu Hindi Controversy was started in 1867.
Who was last Mughal Emperor?
- Emperor Babar
- Bahadur Shah Zafar
- Shah Jahan
- None of these
- b
Babar was first Mughal Emperor.
The shortest day in the year is:
- 21st December
- 20th June
- 14 August
- None of these
- a
The longest day in the year is 20th June.
ICJ stands for:
- International Court of Justice
- Intellectual Court of Justice
- Internatioanl Coordination of Justice
- None of these
- a
ICJ was founded on 26th June 1945.
ICJ consist of 15 Judges which serve for the period of 9 years.
ICJ head quarter is located in Hague, Switzerland.
Islamabad is part of which province?
- Punjab
- Sindh
- None of these
- d
Islamabad is a federal territory.
Who founded Modern Republic of Turkey?
- Mustafa Kamal
- Tariq Bin Ziyad
- Caliph Abdul Majeed
- None of these
- a
Mustafa Kamal abolished the Khilafat System on 3rd March 1924.
How many official languages are used in OIC?
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- b
The official languages of OIC are Arabic, English and French.