- Humble
- Friends
- Garments
- Leader
- c
This order is present in Surah Baqarah aayat no 187 of Quran Majeed
All Categories
Batha Valley is located in:
- Saudi Arabia
- Pakistan
- Egypt
- Iran
- a
How many states in USA?
- 45
- 50
- 55
- 60
- b
There are 29 states in India.
There are 08 states in Bangladesh
The first track of Pakistan Railway established between Karachi and Kotri was laid down in:
- 1850
- 1858
- 1875
- 1898
- b
This Railway track was opened first time in 1861.
Treaty of Hudaibia was signed in which hijri?
- 6th Hijri
- 7th Hijri
- 8th Hijri
- 9th Hijri
- a
Treaty of Hudaibiya was singed between Holy Prophet (PBUH) from Medina and Quresh from Makkah.
Treaty of Hudaibiya was written by Ali (R.A).
The land lying between river Ravi and river Chenab is called:
- Bari Doab
- Rachna Doab
- Chaj Doab
- Sindh Sagar Doab
- b
Land between two rivers in called Doab.
When was Majid-E-Nabvi was expanded?
- 31st Hijri
- 29th Hijri
- 30th Hijri
- 28th Hijri
- b
Masjid E Nabvi is also called Masjid Al Haram.
01 Million People can offer prayer at a time in here.
It is located in Medina.
The conversion of Centigrade to Foreign height, formula is:
- F=9/5*C+32
- F=5/9*C+32
- F=9/4*C+32
- F=9/5*C+33
- a
Formula for conversion Foreign height to Centigrade is C=5/9*F-32
Every Action has reaction but in opposite direction, is a:
- Newton’s Second Law of Motion
- Newton’s Third Law of Motion
- Both A and B
- None of these
- b
Isaac Newtion introduced three law of motion in 1687.
Pakistan has coastline of:
- 1046 km
- 1000 km
- 950 km
- 800 km
- a
Paksitan has coastline of 1046 km or 650 miles.