- Uniform Resource Locator
- Universal Regional Locator
- Universal Rest Locator
- None of these
- a
All Categories
When Hunza became the part of Pakistan?
- 1974
- 1971
- 1970
- 1980
- a
Hunza is also known as Kanjut.
Hunza is located in Gilgit Baltistan.
The currency of Pakistan is:
- Rupee
- Pound
- Dinaar
- Kina
- a
Capital of Pakistan is Islamabad.
غسل کے کتنے فرائض ہیں ؟
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- b
کلی کرنا
ناک میں پانی ڈالنا
پورے جسم پر پانی بہانا
وضو کے کتنے فرائض ہیں ؟
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- C
چہرہ دھونا
ہاتھوں کو کہنیوں سمیت دھونا
سر کا مسح کرنا
پاؤ ں ٹخنوں سمیت دھونا
Yen is the currency of:
- Japan
- Turkey
- Italy
- Swedan
- a
Capital of Japan is Tokyo.
Pakistan’s largest populated city is:
- Lahore
- Karachi
- Peshawar
- Quetta
- b
Largest city of Pakistan is Karachi.
Largest District of Pakistan area wise is Chaghi.
The standard time of Pakistan is:
- 04 Hours ahead from Greenwich Mean Times.
- 05 Hours ahead from Greenwich Mean Times
- 3.05 Hours ahead from Greenwich Mean Times.
- None of the above
- B
One Inch is equal to:
- 2.54 cm
- 3.54 cm
- 2.50 cm
- 1.54 cm
- a
There are 12 Inches in one Foot.
Who invented computer Mouse?
- Charles Babbage
- Douglas Englebart
- Ada Lovelace
- None of these
- b
Douglas Carl Englebart was an American Engineer.
He invented Computer Mouse in 1964.