- ملتان
- لاہور
- بھکر
- علی پور
- b
لاوہ پوری، لاوہ، لاہا وار، لاہا نور، لوہ پور، لوہار پور اور محمود پور تمام لاہور کے پرانے نام ہیں۔
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اردو کا پہلا اخبار کونسا تھا؟
- جام جہاں نما
- جنگ
- کامریڈ
- کوئی نہیں
- a
اردو کا پہلا اخبار جام جہاں نما 1822 میں شائع کیا گیا۔
Which is the second highest peak of Pakistan?
- Nanga Parbat
- K-2
- Trich Mir
- None of these
- a
K-2 is the second highest peak of the world.
Five highest peaks of the Asia are located in Pakistan.
Conductor can ……the current.
- Became
- Finish
- Pass
- None of these
- C
Conductor can pass the current.
Semi-Conductor cant pass the current in different nature of material
Insulator cant pass the current.
Which pass connects Pakistan with Afghanistan?
- Gomal Pass
- Khunjrab Pass
- Khyber Pass
- Tochi Pass
- c
Khyber Pass is located between Landi Kotal and Jamrud.
Its length is 53 Km.
01 HP is equal to:
- 746 Watts
- 700 Watts
- 1000 Watts
- 1046 Watts
- a
HP stands for Horse Power.
What is unit of Frequency?
- Hertz(Hz)
- Watt
- Joul
- None of these
- a
Heinrich Hertz proved first time presence of electromagnetic waves.
Who invented the Electric Bell?
- 1830
- 1831
- 1845
- 1860
- B
An American Scientist, Joseph Henry invented first electric doorbell.
Which of the following is the smallest particle of an Atom?
- Proton
- Neutron
- Electron
- None of these
- C
Faisal Masjid was opened for public on ……
- 1975
- 1987
- 1990
- None of these
- d
Faisal Masjid was opened for public in 1986.
On 18th June 1988, First Prayer was held in Faisal Masjid.