- 1830
- 1840
- 1850
- 1860
- b
Proton was discovered by Ernest Rutherford in 1900s.
Joseph John Thomas discovered Electron in 1897.
All Categories
Ayub National Park is located in which city?
- Lahore
- Rawalpindi
- Islamabad
- None of these
- B
The old name of Ayub National Park was “Topi Rakh Park”.
The area of Ayub National Park is 313 Acres.
What is unit of Power?
- Newton
- Joul
- Watt
- None of these
- C
Unit of Work is Joul.
There are ……. Makki Surahs in Quran.
- 80
- 84
- 86
- 28
- c
There are 28 Madani Surahs in Quran.
اردو کا پہلا ناول کونسا تھا؟
- آگ کا دریا
- یہودی کی لڑکی
- مراۃ العروس
- میری جان
- C
مراء ۃ العروس کا مطلب ہے دلہن کا آئینہ ۔
اس اردو ناول کو ڈپٹی نذیر احمد نے 1868 سے 1869 کے دورانیہ میں لکھا۔
انار کلی کس کا مشہور ڈرامہ ہے؟
- مرزا ادیب
- امتیاز علی تاج
- حکیم شجاع الدین
- آغا حشر کاشمیری
- b
اردو ڈرامہ انار کلی امتیاز علی تاج نے 1922 میں لکھا۔
امتیاز علی تاج کے اس اردو ڈرامہ کو پاکستان اور انڈیا کی فلموں میں کاپی کیا گیا۔
انڈین مووی مغل اعظم میں بھی اس ڈرامہ سیریل کو کاپی کیا گیا۔
What is the Penalty of Decoity in Islam?
What is the Penalty of Decoity in Islam?
- Life Imprisonment or Death
- 180 Flogs
- 100 Flogs
- None of these
- d
The Penalty of Decoity in Islam is to cut the hand.
Who inaugurated the State Bank of Pakistan?
- Allama Iqbal
- Ghulam Muhammad
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- d
SBP was inaugurated by Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on 1st July 1948.
The border line of Pakistan and Afghanistan is called:
- Friendship Line
- Durand Line
- None of these
- C
The Durand Line was established in 1893.
The length of Durand line is 2640 Km.
Its second longest boundary line of Pakistan.
The 1973 Constitution of Pakistan came into force in:
- 23rd March 1973
- 14th August 1973
- 8th June 1973
- 27th October 1973
- B
The 1973 Constitution of Pakistan was passed on 10th April 1973.
This Constitution was presented by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in the Assembly.