- 07
- 14
- 30
- 114
- a
Total Surah in Quran are 114.
Total Para in Quran are 30.
Total Sajadah in Quran are 14.
All Categories
Paksitan Steel Mill is located in :
- Lahore
- Islamabad
- Karachi
- None of these
Pakistan Steel Mill was founded on 2nd July 1973.
The literal meaning of Jihad is:
- Struggle
- Fight a War
- Scarify
- None of the above
- a
Imam E Dar Ul Hijrat was the title of :
- Imam Shafi
- Imam Malik
- Imam Humble
- None of these
- b
The literal meaning of Azwaj Ul Mutaharaat is :
- The Real Wives
- The Purified Wives
- The Pure Wives
- B & C
- d
How many members of UN?
- 185
- 189
- 190
- 193
- d
UN has 196 member countries and 02 observer countries.
UN was founded in 1945.
…… established the office of the Qazi.
- Usman (R.A)
- Umar (R.A)
- Ali (R.A)
- None of these
- b
Umar (R.A) also established the same system as Police or Army.
What is formula of Conversion F to C?
- C=5/9-32F
- C=5/9F-32F
- C=5/9F-32
- None of these
- C
What is formula of Conversion C to F?
- F= 9/5c+32
- F= 9/5L+32
- F= 9/5+32C
- None of these
- a
What is % of Oxygen in air?
- 17%
- 29%
- 21%
- 23%
- c
Nitrogen 78.09%
Carbon Dioxide 0.04%