- Nimaz
- Roza
- Hajj
- Zakat
- b
All Categories
Zakat Purifies the ……..
- Wealth
- Body
- State
- Home
- a
Roza is the Zakat of Body.
What is number of Jamarat:
- 1st
- 2nd
- 3rd
- 4th
- c
The stonnig of Devil is called Al-Jamarat.
How many heads of Zakat?
- 5
- 6
- 72
- 8
- d
The Poors
The Needy
Zakat Collectors
Those who are converted to Islam and are in need.
Those in Debts
In the way of Allah
Literal meaning of Zakat is:
- Waste
- Clean
- Purify
- Double
- c
زکوۃ مال کو پاک کرتی ہے
Literal meaning of Islam is:
- To Deny
- To Obey
- To Fight
- None of these
- b
حکم ماننا
First Constitutional Assembly of Pakistan dissolved after how many years?
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- c
First Constitutional Assembly was functional from 1947 to 1954.
First Constitutional Assembly was dissolved on 24th October, 1954 by Governor Ghulam Muhammad Malik.
PRODA was promulgated in:
- 1949
- 1950
- 1951
- 1952
- a
PRODA stands for Public Representative Office Disqualification Act.
PRODA was passed in January 1949.
Who was Dadabhai Naoroji?
- Indian Political Leader
- Merchant
- Scholar
- All of the above
- d
Dadabhai Narooji is also known as “Grand old man of India”.
He was unofficial Ambassador of India.
He was alos member of UK Parliament.
Footer is used on the bottom of ……page.
- First
- Second
- Last
- Every
- d