- Top
- Left
- Right
- None of these
- a
All Categories
Which of the following is not the font style?
- Bold
- Italic
- Regular
- Superscript
- d
Shortcut Key used to Check the spelling mistake:
- F7
- F8
- F9
- F10
- A
Spelling mistakes are highlighted with Red Lines.
Shortcut Key is used to open Transition Tab:
- Alt + C
- Alt + A
- A;t + L
- Alt + G
- d
This function is used in Microsoft PowerPoint.
What was Democratic Party Symbol in 2020 Election?
- Monkey
- Donkey
- Elephant
- None of these
- b
It was founded on 8th January 1828.
It Headquarter is located in Washington DC, US
Noble Peace Prize 2020 won by which Organization?
- Both A & B
- None of these
- a
WFP stands for World Food Program.
WFP is an organ of UN.
It is known as UNWFP.
According to survey of 2024, world Global Warming threat top country is:
- Japan
- China
- Philippine
- Germany
- a
1st Japan
2nd Philippine
3rd Germany
Natural Gas resources were discovered in black sea by which country?
- INdia
- Turkey
- Japan
- China
- b
Turkey found 135 Billion Cubic Meter Natural Gas resources.
According to survey in 2024, Pakistan’s rank in hunger index is:
- 86th
- 87th
- 88th
- 99th
- c
The current ranking of Pakistan in 2024 GHI is 99th out of 129 countries in the world.
According to survey 2020, which country is at top in corruption?
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- India
- Mexico
- a
1st Nigeria
2nd Colombia
3rd Pakistan
4th Iran
5th Mexico