- Lungs
- Esophagus
- Trachea
- None of these
- c
All Categories
Head of Germany is called:
- Prime Minister
- President
- Chancellor
- Mukhya Mantry
- c
Current Chancellor of Germany is Angela Markel since 2005.
She belong to Christian Democratic Union.
Which of the following Agency deals with Food?
- None of these
- b
Food and Agriculture Organization
FAO was established on 16th October 1945 in Canada.
Port Qasim is located in:
- Lahore
- Karachi
- Islamabad
- Faisalabad
- b
Gomal Zam Dam is located in:
- Punjab
- Sindh
- Baluchistan
- c
This Dam is located in South Waziristan Agency KPK.
The height of this Dam is 133 meters.
Which country recently abolished PM seat?
- Turkey
- Pakistan
- India
- a
Turkey abolished the seat of Prime Minister in 2017.
What is Capital of Georgia?
- Tokyo
- Tblisi
- Chilli
- Dehli
- b
The Currency of Georgia is “Georgian Lari”.
F5 functional used in MS-Power Point for:
- Open Window
- Slide Show
- Open File
- Close Window
- b
F5 functional key is used for Refresh the system.
- 172
- 175
- 178
- 180
- a
Who is current Mayor of London?
- Sadiq Khan
- Amir Khan
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- Joe Biden
- a
Sadiq Khan is serving as Mayor of London since 9th May 2016. He is 6th Mayor of London. He became Mayor of London three times continuously, in 2016, 2021 and now in 2024. He belongs to Labour Party. He was elected first Muslim Mayor of London.