- 1920
- 1906
- 1913
- 1915
- c
All India Muslim League was founded in 1906.
All Categories
In which year Quaid resigned from Congress?
- 1920
- 1925
- 1913
- 1906
- a
Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined All India Muslim League in 1913.
What’s the Islamic date and month of Independence of Pakistan?
- 27th Ramadan
- 12th Rabi Ul Awwal
- 1st Shawwal
- 10th Zilhajj
- a
Pakistan came into existence on 27th Ramadan 1366 Hijri.
All rivers of Northern hemisphere flow from North to South except one river which is:
- Amazon River
- Nile River
- Irrawadi River
- Yellow River
- b
Nile River is longest river of the world.
The length of Nile river is 6650 km.
Nile River is National River of Egypt.
Asia’s largest desert is called:
- Gobi Desert
- Rajasthan Desert
- Thar Desert
- Cholistan Desert
- a
The area of Gobi Desert is 1600km
Its 5th largest desert in the world.
On what date and year Qadianis were declined Non-Muslims in Pakistan?
- October 19, 1978
- September 17, 1974
- December 20, 1970
- August 14, 1974
- b
Second Amendment in Constitution of Pakistan 1973 declared Qadianis as Non-Muslims on 17th September 1974 under Government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
Where was the last meeting of SCO held?
- Bishkek (Kyrgstan)
- Dushanbe (Tajikstan)
- Asthana (Kazakistan)
- None of these
- d
Last meeting of SCO was held on 30th September 2020.
SCO stands for Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
The word “Gawadar” means:
- The gateway of wind
- Milky door
- Goiong outside
- Door for coming in
- a
The word Gawadar is combination of two Balochi words, which are Guad and Dar.
Guad means wind and Dar means gateway.
The world’s oldest language is:
- Greek
- Chinese
- Sanskrit
- Hebrew
- c
Tamil is oldest language of the world.
Sanskrit is the second oldest language of the world.
Greek is third oldest language of the world.
Chinese is the fourth oldest language of the world.
The stars on the flag of US represents:
- States of US
- The number of Presidents
- Colonist Province of US
- Nonce of these
- a
There are 50 Stars on the flag of US that represents 50 states of US.
There are 13 strips that represents 13 colonies that were declared after independence from British.