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رمضان المبارک کے مہینہ کے بعد یکم شوال کو عیدالفطر ہوتی ہے۔
عید الاضحی ذوالحج کے مہینہ میں آتی ہے۔
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What is standard time of Pakistan?
- GMT+5
- GMT-5
- GMT+3
- GMT+8
- a
Current Standard Time was adopted in 1951 on the suggestion of Prof. Muhammad Anwar.
Uranium is founded in which city of Pakistan?
- Chaghi
- Dera Ghazi Khan
- Chaman
- None of these
- b
Which of the following is the highest Railway Station of Pakistan?
- Kan Mehtarzai
- Hanapur
- Lahore
- Murree
- a
This Railway Station is at height of 2224 meters from sea level.
It is located in Baluchistan.
In absence of President of Country, who will be perform his duties?
- Speaker Punjab Assembly
- Chairman Senate
- Speaker National Assembly
- None of these
- b
Article 41 provides detail about this.
The word “Pakistan” is related to which language?
- Urdu
- Persian
- Both A & B
- None of these
- c
The meaning of Paksitan is “Holy Land”.
SAINDAK Project was started with the cooperation of:
- India
- China
- Turkey
- Australia
- b
Chinese Company is working on this project.
This project was started in 1995.
Saindak is a name of Town in Chaghi, Balochistan.
First Constitution of Pakistan was passed in:
- 1956
- 1962
- 1973
- None of these
- a
First Constitution 1956
Second Constitution 1962
Third Constitution 1973
What is height of Minar E Pakistan?
- 60 m
- 70 m
- 80 m
- 90 m
- b
Its construction was started in 1960 and complete in 1968.
Old name of Minar E Pakistan was Manto Park.
Fire Alarm don’t work in which condition?
- Battery Low
- Battery Loose
- Battery Damage
- All of the above
- d
Battery Low
Battery Loose
Absence of Battery
Damage Battery
Not Proper Installation of Batteries