- b
ILO was established in 1919 and WWII was occurred in 1939.
FAO stands for Food & Agriculture Organization
WHO stands for World Health Organization
IMF stands for International Monetary Fund
All Categories
The Currency of Norway is:
- Dollar
- Pound
- Krone
- Dirham
- c
Dollar is the Currency of USA.
Dirham is the Currency of UAE.
Pound is the Currency of 13 Countries.
Funds flow Statement, Sources & Application Statements are:
- Antagonistic
- Synonymous
- Antonyms
- Opposite words
- b
Double Entry book keeping was invented by:
- Lucus
- Graham Bell
- Henry Fayol
- F.W.Taylor
- a
Double Entry Book Keeping was started in 1494.
After USA which country is the second biggest arms seller in the world?
- Russia
- Japan
- Pakistan
- Iran
- a
Saudia Arabia is the First biggest country in arms importer.
The most abundant element found in the earth’s crust is:
- Nitrogen
- Carbon
- Oxygen
- Hydrogen
- c
Oxygen 46.6%
Silicon 27.7%
Aluminium 8.1%
Hitler party which came into power in 1933 is known as:
- Nazi Party
- Labour Party
- Democratic Party
- Congress
- a
Nazi Party was a party of Germany and was active between 1920-1945.
Which of the following types of forests account for the most of the total forest area in the world?
- Littoral
- Deciduous
- Broad-Leaved
- None of these
- c
The forest area of any country should be consist of 25% of total area.
Pakistan's total forest area is 5.2% of total area.
First human heart transplant operation conducted by Dr. Christian Bernard on Louis Washkansky , was conducted in:
- 1957
- 1947
- 1967
- 1948
- c
He was a South African Cardiac Surgeon.
Galileo was an Italian astronomer who:
- Developed Telescope
- Discovered Satellites of Jupiter.
- Discovered that movement of pendulum produces a regular time.
- All of these above.
- d