- Tuberculosis
- Measles
- Pink Eye
- Typhoid
- b
Measles is an infection disease.
All Categories
Splitting of the Moon was occurred in:
- Haram-E-Pak
- Mina
- Arafat
- None of these
- b
Splitting of the Moon is mention in Surah-Al-Qamar.
The master of Bilal (R.A) during embracing Islam was:
- Abu Jahal
- Oqabah bin Abi
- Ummayia Bin Khalaf
- Abu Sufyan
- c
Quba Mosque has been mentioned in:
- Surah-Al-Taubah
- Surah-Al-Bakarah
- Suah-Al-Inaam
- Surah-Al-Namal
- a
Masjid-E-Quba was the first Masjid of Islam.
Governor General Ghulam Muhammad imposed Governor Rule in East Pakistan in:
- 1954
- 1956
- 1957
- 1959
- a
He was 3rd Governor General of Pakistan (1951-1955)
The velocity of light was measured by:
- Newton
- Franklin
- Ole Romer
- Faraday
- c
Velocity of light was measured in 1676.
Which is second densely populated province of Pakistan?
- Sindh
- Punjab
- Balochistan
- a
1st Punjab
3rd KPK
4th Balochistan
Malaria is caused by:
- Bacteria
- Virus
- Protozoa
- Mosquito
- c
It is caused by Parasites.
Which is the latest material used for manufacturing a computer chip?
- Silicon
- Silver
- Gallium Arsenide
- Carbon
- c
Gallium Arsenide is a Semiconductor.
والی بال میں ایک ٹیم میں کتنے کھلاڑی ہوتے ہیں؟
- 10
- 8
- 6
- 9
- c
والی بال نیپال کا قومی کھیل ہے۔