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Pakistan bought Miraaj Fighter Aircrafts from:
- America
- France
- Russia
- Japan
- b
Pakistan bought Miraaj Fighter Aircraft from France in 1990
Which is the world’s second most populous city?
- Mexico City
- London
- Dehli
- Tokyo
- c
Tokyo is the First populous city of the world
Which of the following is an alloy?
- Bronze
- Zinc
- Gold
- Tin
- a
Alloy is a substance made by melting two or more elements together.
Jasmine is popularly known as:
- Gulab
- Chambeli
- Motia
- White Rose
- b
“K” in Pakistan stands for:
- Karachi
- Kashmir
- Khyber
- None of these
- b
Pakistan is same word in Urdu and Persian.
When did the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed “Hajjaat-ul-Wada”?
- 634 AD
- 633 AD
- 636 AD
- 632 AD
- d
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) performed total 04 Umrah and 1 Hajj.
Name the first authority for the compilation of Ahadees:
- Imam Maalik
- Imam Bukhari
- Imam Ahmed Bin Humble
- Imam Abu Hanifa
- a
What is the keyboard shortcut key for Copy a selected text?
- Ctrl+V
- Ctrl+C
- Shift
- Alt+C
- b
World’s highest peak Mountain Everest is located in:
- India
- Nepal
- Between Nepal & China
- China
- c
The 2nd highest Mountain of the world is K2 which is located in Pakistan.