- Muhammad Ibn E Musa Al-Khawarizmi
- Neil Bohar
- Medam Kuri
- None of these
- a
Muhammad Ibn E Musa Al-Khawarizmi was born in Khawarazm in 780 AD and died in 850 AD in Baghdad.
He was a Persian Muslim Scientist.
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Which planet is closest to sun?
- Neptune
- Sun
- Jupiter
- Mercury
- d
Mercury is the planet that is closest to the sun and smallest in the Solar System.
The distance of Mercury from Sun is 58 Million Km.
The radious of Mercury is 2439.7 Km.
Who was the first man who step on moon?
- Neil Armstrong
- Buzz Aldrin
- Alan Bean
- None of these
- a
Neil Armstrong was the first person who step on the moon on 21st July 1969 at 02:56 AM.
He walk on the surface of moon named “Sea of Tranquility”.
What is tallest mountain of world?
- K2
- Mount Everest
- Killer Mountain
- None of these
- b
The height of Mount Everest is 8849 meters.
It is located in Himaliya Range.
It is located on China-Nepal border.
First ascender of Mount Everest were Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay.
Who wrote play Romeo & Juliet?
- Charles Dickens
- Jane Austen
- William Shakespeare
- None of these
- c
William Shakespeare wrote the play Romeo & Juliet in 1594-1596.
This play was published first time in 1597.
What is capital of Croatia?
- Zagreb
- Split
- Zadar
- None of these
- a
The capital and largest city of Croatia is Zagreb.
The currency of Croatia is Euro.
Who founded the law of Gravity?
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Sir James Chadwick
- Jabir Bin Hayyan
- None of these
- a
Law of Gravitation was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687.
As you sow, so shall you ____
- Keep
- Beap
- Reap
- None of these
- c
جیسا کرو گے ویسا بھرو گے۔
Father _____ like noise in room.
- Do not
- Not
- Does not
- None of these
- c
Present Indefinite Tense
والد کو کمرے میں شور پسند نہیں کرتےہیں۔
Two and two _____ four.
- Breaks
- Takes
- Makes
- None of these
- c
دو اور دو سے چار بنتا ہے۔