- By using more money
- By being rash
- By being informative
- By being careful
- d
All Categories
Which of the following should be used for the protection of ears?
- Muffs
- Handkerchief
- Ear Buds
- Ear Phone
- a
Ear Muffs are designed specifically to protect the ears from loud noises and can help prevent hearing damage.
The blood enters the glomerulus through:
- Aorta
- Renal Veins
- Pulmonary Artery
- Afferent Vessels
- d
Afferent Vessels are blood vessels that carry blood towards a specific part of the body.
Which of the following human system is chiefly effected by Air Pollution?
- Circulatory
- Circulatory
- Respiratory
- Respiratory
- c
Air Pollution primarily effected the Respiratory system and leads to asthma, Bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.
Which of the following care that should be taken for oxygen cylinder by medical technician?
- Place it at shady and moist place
- Place it at cool and dry place
- Place it under lock and key
- Place it under lock and key
- b
There are 8 parts of Oxygen Cylinder which are Cylinder, Valve, Regulator, Flow Meter, Pressure Guage, Humidifier Bottle, Tubing and Mask.
A person who suffers from Agoraphobia has fear of what?
- Public Spaces
- Water
- Confined Places
- Height
- a
Fear of Water is called Aquaphobia.
Fear of Fire is called Pyrophobia.
Fear of Height is caleld Acrophobia.
Fear of Darkness Nyctophobia.
Fear of Flying is called Aerophobia.
Fear of Confined Spaces is called Claustrophobia.
Fear of Dogs is called Cynophobia.
The hinge joints allow movements only in ____ direction.
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- a
Hinge Joints allow the movenet in one plane only, that is up and down OR forward and backward.
The examples of Hing Joints are Elbow Joints, Knee Joints, Finger Joints and Anckle Joints.
What is the effect of adrenaline on the heart? It increases:
- Heart Rate
- Systolic Time
- Both A & B
- Relaxation Period
- c
Andrenaline is used to some allergic reactions and cardiac arrest.
Andrenaline increases the heart rate, dilate airways to improve breathing, enhances the blood flow to muscles etc.
Chemical substances used on living tissues that the growth of microorganisms are called:
- Antileptic
- Disinfectants
- Oxidizing Agents
- Reduce
- a
An antiseptic is a substance that inhibits the growth and development of microorganism on living tissues, reducing the risk of infection.
Acute Carbon Monoxide poisoning is marked by:
- Blue coloration of skin and mucus membrane
- Mild Fever
- Brain Edema
- None of these
- a
The chemical formula of Carbon Monoxide is CO