- In
- On
- Over
- At
- b
گلاس میز پر پڑا ہے۔
All Categories
I was hungry but _____ anything to eat.
- Will have not
- Did have not
- Does not have
- Did not have
- d
میں بھوکا تھا لیکن کھانے کو کچھ نہیں تھا۔
You ____ miss the train if you don’t leave now.
- Must
- Will
- Was
- None of these
- b
اگر آپ ابھی نہیں روانہ ہوئے تو آپ کو ٹرین چھوٹ جائے گی۔
I saw him resting ____ tree.
- Under
- On
- Of
- At
- a
میں نے اسے درخت کے نیچے آرام کرتے دیکھا۔
What is Antonym of “Devil”?
- Unfortunate
- Wretch
- Fellow
- Angel
- d
Devil شیطان
Angel فرشتہ
What is Antonym of “Moist”?
- Damp
- Wet
- Dry
- None of these
- c
Moist نم
Dry خشک
What is Antonym of “Energetic?
- Inactive
- Active
- Gentle
- None of these
- a
Energetic توانائی بخش
Inactive غیر فعال
What is Synonym of “Fresh”?
- Natural
- New
- Old
- None of these
- b
Fresh تازه
New نئی
What is Synonym of “Apparel”?
- Undress
- Cloth
- Disarray
- None of these
- b
Apparel ملبوسات
Cloth کپڑا
What is Synonym of “Bend”?
- Straight
- Curve
- Long
- None of these
- b
Bend جھکنا
Curve مُڑا ہوا