- Lahore
- Islamabad
- Rawalpindi
- None of these
- b
All Categories
HTV stands for:
- Hello Transport Vehicle
- Heavy Transport Vehicle
- Heavy Total Vehicle
- None of these
- b
What is speed limit of HTV on Highways?
- 60 Km/h
- 70 Km/h
- 80 Km/h
- 90 Km/h
- d
What is speed limit of LTV on Highways?
- 110 Km/h
- 100 Km/h
- 120 Km/h
- 130 Km/h
- b
The oldest and most important highway of Pakistan is:
- Motorway
- GT Road
- Runway
- None of these
- b
GT road constructed first time by Sher Shah Suri reaches from Peshawar to Delhi.
Makran Coastal Highway is called:
- N-10
- N-9
- N-8
- None of these
- a
The length of N-10 is 653 Km.
Makran Coastal Highway starts from Karachi and ended in Gwadar.
What is helpline number of NH & MP?
- 130
- 140
- 150
- None of these
- a
How many National Highways and Motorways in Pakistan?
- 25
- 39
- 42
- None of these
- b
Which Ministry controls the National Highways & Motorway Police (NH & MP)?
- Interior Ministry
- Ministry of Narcotics
- Ministry of Communication
- None of these
- c
The Hakla-D.I.Khan Motorway is known as:
- M-6
- M-7
- M-14
- None of these
- c
Hakla To DI Khan Motorway was inaugurated on 5th January 2022.