- Rigid Constitution
- Flexible Constitution
- Both A & B
- None of these
- b
Flexible Constitution can be change with simple changes without hard and fast rules.
Un-Written or Flexible Constitution makes hundreds changes in Constitution within a year.
Pakistan Studies MCQs
All Pakistan Studies Solved MCQs from Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Pak Studies MCQs are Completely Solved with short detail.
Written Constitution is also called:
- Rigid Constitution
- Flexible Constitution
- Both A & B
- None of these
- a
Rigid Constitution changes with the help of Amendments.
Pakistan's Constitution has only 26 Amendments from 1973 to till now.
Under Article 58 the President shall dissolve the National Assembly on the advice of ……
- President
- Speaker National Assembly
- Chief of Army Staff
- Prime Minister
- d
This Article was 58 (2) b of constitution of Paksitan.
This Article 58 (2) b was removed in 2010 by the Parliament.
What is minimum age for member of National Assembly?
- 18
- 22
- 25
- 35
- c
The article 62 of Constitution of Pakistan describes that the member of National Assembly should be citizen of Pakistan and minimum age should be 25 Years.
FATA has ….seats for women in the National Assembly.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- a
Federal Capital area has…..seats in the National Assembly.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- b
Seat reserved for Women from Sindh in the National Assembly are…..
- 14
- 18
- 22
- 39
- a
Punjab 35
Sindh 14
KPK 08
Balochistan 03
How many major deserts are there in Pakistan?
- 05
- 07
- 09
- 11
- a
Thar Desert Sindh
Cholistan Desert Punjab
Thal Desert Punjab
Kharan Desert Balochistan
Katpana Desert Gilgit Baltistan
PTN started transmission in which year?
- 1985
- 1990
- 1995
- 2000
- b
The old name of STN was:
- None of these
- c