- Sindh
- Balochistan
- Punjab
- b
The area of Kharan Desert is 48051 sq Km.
Pakistan Studies MCQs
All Pakistan Studies Solved MCQs from Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Pak Studies MCQs are Completely Solved with short detail.
The Lal Suhanra National Park is located in:
- Multan
- Bahawalpur
- Khanewal
- Lahore
- b
Lal Suhanra National Park was established in 1972.
It is situated 35 Km east of Bahawalpur.
How many member in Balochistan Assembly of Pakistan?
- 33
- 45
- 55
- 65
- d
There are total 65 seats in Balochistan Assembly. There are 51 General seats, 11 Women seats and 3 seats for Minorities.
How many member in KPK Assembly of Pakistan?
- 115
- 138
- 124
- 159
- c
There are total 124 seats in KPK Assembly. There are 99 General seats, 22 Women seats and 3 seats for Minorities.
How many member in Sindh Assembly of Pakistan?
- 150
- 168
- 177
- 198
- b
There are total 168 seats in Sindh Assembly. There are 130 seats from total are General seats, 29 for Women and 9 are reserved for Minorities.
How many member in Punjab Assembly of Pakistan?
- 371
- 360
- 355
- 390
- a
There are total 371 seats in Punjab Assembly which are divided as 297 seats are General seats, 66 seats for Women and 8 seats for Minorities.
Dr. Abdul Salam was expert in which subject?
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- b
Dr.Abdul Salam was awarded with Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979.
Which of the following is former capital of Pakistan?
- Karachi
- Lahore
- Islamabad
- Islamabad
- a
Current capital of Pakistan is Islamabad.
Who was first Navel Commander in Chief of Pakistan?
- Haji Muhammad Saddique
- Fazal Rehman Khan
- James Welford
- None of these
- c
He served as Navel Chief of Pakistan from 1947 to 1953.
The designation of Chief of Navel Staff (CNS) was formed on 3rd March 1972.
Who abrogated the first Constitution of Pakistan 1956?
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- Iskandar Mirza
- Ayub Khan
- None of these
- b
Chaudhary Muhammad Ali was fourth Prime Minister of Pakistan.
The constitution of Pakistan 1956 was first constitution of Pakistan.
It consisted of 234 Articles and 6 Schedules.
The draft of this constitution was presentd in assembly on 9th January 1956.
It was passed on 29th February 1956.
It was enforced in Pakistan on 23rd March 1956.
This constitution was abrogated on 7th October 1958 by islander Mirza.