- صدر پاکستان
- وزیر اعظم
- چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان
- گورنر پنجاب
- a
پاکستان کے آئین کے مطابق ریاست کا سربراہ صدر پاکستان ہو گا جبکہ پارلیمان کا سربراہ وزیر اعظم ہوگا۔
Pakistan Studies MCQs
All Pakistan Studies Solved MCQs from Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Pak Studies MCQs are Completely Solved with short detail.
Where is the Library of Personal books of Quaid E Azam located?
- Karachi
- Ziarat
- Lahore
- Islamabad
- d
When was National Library of Pakistan came into existence?
- 1947
- 1962
- 1975
- 1988
- b
The basic purpose of this Library was to prepare Pakistan National Bibliography.
Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah Joined All India Muslim League in:
- 1906
- 1913
- 1920
- 1939
- d
Muhammad Ali Jinnah Joined All India Muslim League in 1913.
Which amendments were proposed by Quaid E Azam in the Nehru Report 1928, to make it acceptable to the Indian Muslims?
- The Muslims should be given 1/3rd representation in the central legislature.
- For ten years, the Muslims should be represented in Punjab and Bengal
- Residuary Power should be given to the provinces
- None of these
- a
How many Public Libraries are in Pakistan?
- 150
- 306
- 400
- 475
- b
Public Library is a library that is accessible by the general public and usually funded from public sources such as taxes and other types of revenue collected by government.
نوائے وقت اخبار کی بنیاد کس نے رکھی؟
- میاں محمد رشید
- میر خلیل الرحمن
- مجید نظامی
- حمید نظامی
- d
نوائے وقت اخبار کو 23 مارچ 1940 کو حمید نظامی نے شروع کیا۔ابتداء میں یہ ایک ماہنامہ تھا لیکن 15 دسمبر 1942 کو اِسے ہفت روزہ کر دیا گیا ۔مورخہ 19 جولائی 1944 سے نوائے وقت نے بطور روزنامہ آغاز کیا۔نوائے وقت اخبار نے آل انڈیا مسلم لیگ کی آواز ہندوستان کے لوگوں تک پہنچانے میں اہم کردار ادا کیا۔ وقت نیوز ٹی وی چینل بھی نوائے وقت اخبار کی ملکیت تھا۔نوائے وقت اخبار اسوقت مجید نظامی ٹرسٹ کی ملکیت ہے اور اس کی ایڈیٹر مجید نظامی کی بیٹی رمیزہ مجید نطامی ہیں۔
Number of houses of Pakistan’s Majlis E Surah (parliament) is:
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
- b
According to Article 50 of Constitution of Pakistan 1973, Parliament of Pakistan consist of President and two houses known as National Assembly and Senate.
National Assembly is also known as Lower House.
Senate is also known as Upper House.
First Charter of Human Rights is:
- Khutba Hajja-tul-Wida
- UN Charter
- French Constitution
- International Charter
- a
Khutba Hajja-tul-Wida was delivered by Holy Prophet (PBUH) on 9 Dhu-Al-Hijjah (Friday), 10 AH.
Who was first President of All India Muslim League?
- Nawab Sami Ullah Khan
- Nawab Waqar Ul Mulk
- Sir Agha Khan
- None of these
- c
AIML was founded on 30 December 1906 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Sir Agha Khan became first president of AIML in December 2008.