- 1947
- 1951
- 1955
- 1965
- B
There are held seven census in Pakistan from 1947 to till now.
First Census 1951
Second Census 1961
Third Census 1972
Fourth Census 1982
Fifth Census 1998
Sixth Census 20173
Seventh Census 2023
Pakistan Studies MCQs
All Pakistan Studies Solved MCQs from Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Pak Studies MCQs are Completely Solved with short detail.
The largest lake in Pakistan is _____
- Manchar Lake
- Attabad Lake
- Karambar Lake
- Rama Lake
- a
Manchar Lake is largest natural fresh water lake of Pakistan.
Manchar Lake is situated between District Dadu and Jamshoro of Sindh Province.
The area of this lake is 350 Km/sq.
The National Assembly of Pakistan has a total of ______ members.
- 300
- 324
- 342
- 348
- C
National Assembly Members =342
Punjab Assembly Members =371
Sindh Assembly Members =168
KPK Assembly Members = 145
Balochistan Assembly Members =65
All India Muslim League was founded in ______
- Dhaka
- Lahore
- Allahabad
- Dehli
- a
AIML was founded on 30 December 1906 in Dhaka.
The founder of AIML was Khawaja Sami Ullah.
Amendment No.8 in Constitution of Pakistan was passed in ______
- October 1985
- November 1985
- December 1985
- January 1986
- B
Eighth Amendment was occurred in the government of General Zia Ul Haq.
According to Eighth Amendment changed the government system of Pakistan from Parliament Democracy to Semi Presidential System.
According to Eighth Amendment President can dissolved National Assembly not Senate.
President have authority to dismiss the Prime Minister.
All information related to Eighth Amendment is mentioned in 58 (2b) detail.
Membership of the Senate was increased from 87 to 100 in the year ____
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- a
Senate was established according to Article 59 of Constitution of Pakistan.
Senate Membership in 1973 was 45.
Senate Membership in 1978 was 63.
Senate Membership in 1985 was 87.
Senate Membership in 2002 was 100.
Senate Membership in 2011 was 104.
Senate Membership in 2021 was 100.
First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was dissolved in _____
- 1954
- 1955
- 1956
- 1957
- a
First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was dissolved on 24 October 1954 by Governor General Ghulam Muhammad Malik.
کس عدالت کو عدالتِ عالیہ کہا جاتا ہے؟
- ہائی کورٹ
- سپریم کورٹ
- سول کورٹ
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
- a
ہائی کورٹ کو عدالتِ عالیہ کہا جاتا ہے جبکہ سپریم کورٹ کو عدالتِ عظمی کہا جاتا ہے۔ہائی کورٹ کو 21 مارچ 1919 کو قائم کیا گیا۔ہائی کورٹ کا پرانا نام چیف کورٹ تھا۔چیف کورٹ کو یکم اکتوبر 1882 کو تبدیل کر کے ہائی کورٹ کر دیا گیا۔ پاکستان میں کُل 5 ہائی کورٹ ہیں۔یہ 5 ہائی کورٹ ہر صوبہ کے دارالحکومت میں موجود ہیں۔
پاکستان قومی اسمبلی کا موجود ہ سیشن کونسا ہے ؟
- 10
- 12
- 13
- 16
- d
مورخہ 8 فروری 2024 کے بعد وجود میں آنے والی قومی اسمبلی پاکستان کی 16 ویں قومی اسمبلی ہے۔پاکستان کی قومی اسمبلی کو پاکستان کے آئین 1973 سے شروع کیا گیا۔
What is capital of Balochistan Province?
- Chaman
- Quetta
- Sibi
- Ghuzdar
- b