- Uganda
- Kenya
- South Africa
- Tanzania
- D
The height of Mount Kilimanjaro is 5895 M.
Circumference of the Earth is around:
- 40000 Km
- 50000 Km
- 60000 Km
- 70000 Km
- A
Radius of Earth is 6371 KM.
Diameter of Earth is 12742 KM.
Carte Blanche means:
- Deficient
- Defective
- Going by rules
- Full discretionary Powers
- D
The cheapest source of electricity radiation is:
- Nuclear
- Solar
- Hydral
- Thermal
- C
Heat received by the Earth from the Sun is known as:
- Solar Radiation
- Insulation
- Thermal Radiation
- Solar Heat
- A
The sunlight reaches to earth in 08 minutes and 15 seconds.
Largest Political Agency in Pakistan Tribal Area in terms of area is:
- North Waziristan
- Kurram
- Moahamand
- South Waziristan
- D
South Waziristan is a district in D.I.Khan, KPK.
It consist of 08 Tehsils.
The area of South Waziristan is 6619 Km2
Myanmar is the new name of:
- Burma
- Ceylon
- Cambodia
- None of these
- A
Myanmar is a country of Asia.
The name of Burma was changed into Myanmar in 1989.
Tehrir Square is situated in:
- Tehran
- Cairo
- Rabat
- Istanbul
- B
Cairo is a city and capital of Egypt.
International Court of Justice sits at:
- Hague
- Brussels
- Paris
- None of these
- A
HQ of ICJ is in Hague, Netherland.
ICJ is the main organ of UN.
ICJ consist of 15 Judges for 09 years period.
The headquarters of WTO is at:
- New York
- Geneva
- Rome
- London
- B
WTO stands for World Trade Organization.
It was founded in 1st January 1995.
It consist of 165 member states.