- 05
- 06
- 07
- 08
- B
Surah Younas
Surah Hud
Surah Yousaf
Surah Ibrahim
Surah Nooh
Surah Muhammad
Revenue Department
The national tree of Pakistan is:
- Oak
- Deodar
- Chirr
- Shisham
- B
National flower of Pakistanis Jasmine.
National Poet of Pakistan is Allama Iqbal.
National Juice of Pakistan is Sugarcane Juice.
National Game of Pakistan is Hockey.
National Language of Pakistan is Urdu.
National Animal of Pakistan is Markhor.
Which year is called the year of sorrow?
- 10th Nabvi
- 9th Nabvi
- 8th Nabvi
- 7th Nabvi
- a
10th Nabvi is called the year of sorrow due to death of Khadija (R.A) and death of Abu Talib.
The longest river of Balochistan is:
- Dasht
- Zhob
- Hingol
- Rakshahan
- c
It is located in Makran region.
The length of Hingol river is 560 KM.
LAN stands for:
- Local Average Network
- Local Area Network
- Low Area Network
- None of these
- B
Local Area Network first time developed in 1970s by Cambridge Ring.
Computer Mouse was invented in:
- 1920
- 1940
- 1960
- 1980
- c
Computer mouse was invented by Douglas Carl Engelbart.
He was an American Engineer.
To save a file with two names , functional key is used:
- F7
- F5
- F6
- F12
- d
F7 functional key is used for Spelling & Grammar Check.
F5 functional key is used to refresh the computer.
When was Hajj made compulsory?
- 2nd Hijri
- 3rd Hijri
- 4th Hijri
- 9th Hijri
- d
Zakaat & Roza became obligation on 2nd Hijri.
Write Brothers are regarded as inventors of:
- Telephone
- Cycle
- Aeroplane
- None of these
- C
Wilbur & Orville Write Invented the Aeroplane on 17th December 1903.
Lock Jaw i.e. difficulty in opening the mouth, is a symptom of:
- Fever
- Tetanus
- Cholera
- None of these
- B