- Neglected
- Opposed
- Devoid of
- Rejected
- B
Backed پشت پناہی کی۔
Opposed مخالفت کی۔
STS SIBA Past Papers
All STS SIBA Testing Service (STS) Solved Current and Past Papers included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All STS Papers MCQs are solved with detailed answers.
Find out the antonym of bracket word: He used to fondly (recall) his grandfather.
- Forget
- Miss
- Absent
- Removed
- A
Forget بھول جاؤ
Recall یاد کرنا
وہ اپنے دادا کو بڑے شوق سے یاد کرتے تھے۔
Find out the antonym of bracket word: This students thank the manager and wald to the (next) stall.
- A coming straight after something space
- The others
- The present one
- Another in time and order
- C
Next اگلے
The Present One موجودہ
اس طالب علم نے مینیجر کا شکریہ ادا کیا اور اگلے سٹال پر گئے۔
Find out the synonym of bracket word: She (quickly) got up from the bench.
- Fast
- Soon
- Shortly
- Fastly
- A
Quickly جلدی سے
Fast تیز
وہ جلدی سے بینچ سے اٹھی۔
Find out the synonym of bracket word: Right from the times (immemorial) enforcement of law has remained indispensable.
- Beyond imagination
- Beyond human memory
- Beyond human record
- Beyond human history
- B
Immemorial قدیم
Beyond human memory انسانی یادداشت سے باہر
ازل سے ہی قانون کا نفاذ ناگزیر رہا ہے۔
Find out the synonym of bracket word: It is good (idea).
- Thought
- Advice
- Thinking
- Consideration
- A
Idea خیال
Thought سوچ
یہ اچھا خیال ہے۔
Find out the synonym of bracket word: At night, traffic police often (wear) jackets with reflectors.
- Use
- Cover
- Put on
- Cloak
- C
Wear پہننا
Put on کسی چیز کو اوپر ڈالنا
رات کے وقت، ٹریفک پولیس اکثر ریفلیکٹر والی جیکٹس پہنتی ہے۔
Find out the synonym of underlined word: Sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah alone.
- Country that is all in all and independent
- The state of being a country with freedom to govern itself
- People who are powerful and independent in all matters
- Complete power to govern everything
- B
پوری کائنات پر حاکمیت صرف اللہ تعالیٰ کی ہے۔
Sovereignty خودمختاری
Find out the antonym of bracket word: They were (excited) about seeing the variety of school.
- Disinterested and lazy
- Dull and impartial
- Uninterested and Cold
- Cold and partial
- C
Excited بہت پرجوش
uninterested and Cold غیر دلچسپی اور سرد
_____ you will consider my request favorably.
- I am hoping that
- I hope that
- I will hope that
- I would hope that
- B
مجھے امید ہے کہ آپ میری درخواست پر احسن طریقے سے غور فرمائیں گے۔