- Nile
- Yangtze River
- Amazon
- Congo River
- a
The length of River Nile is 6650 Km.
The length of River Yangtze is 6300 Km.
The length of River Amazon is 6400 Km.
The length of River Congo is 4700 Km.
STS SIBA Past Papers
All STS SIBA Testing Service (STS) Solved Current and Past Papers included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All STS Papers MCQs are solved with detailed answers.
The Leaning Tower is located in:
- Rome
- Barcelona
- Pisa
- Mexico
- c
Leaning Tower is also called Pisa Tower.
It is located in Pisa City, Italy.
The height of Pisa / Leaning Tower is 57 Meters.
Which one is the largest (Area Wise) country in in Central Asia?
- Tajikistan
- Kazakhstan
- Uzbekistan
- Turkmenistan
- b
There are located five countries in Central Asia.
Kazakhstan comprises on 60% area of Central Asia.
If a car travels at an average speed 25meter/second, then the average speed in Km/h is _____
- 50 Km/h
- 60 Km/h
- 90 Km/h
- 100 Km/h
- c
Distance Covered in 1 Second=25 Meters
One Minute=60 Seconds
One Hour=60*60=3600 seconds
Distance Covered in One Hour=25*3600=9000 Meters
1000 Meters=1 Km
90000 Meters=90000/1000=90Km
Current largest share in Pakistan’s Electricity generation comes from:
- Thermal Energy
- Coal Energy
- Hydel Energy
- Nuclear Energy
- a
Thermal Energy is a type of Energy that is acquired from Coal, Wood, Diesel, Gas and etc.
According to NEPRA report 2021-2022, Largest share in Pakistan's Electric generation comes from Thermal Energy that is 63% of whole production.
Electric Power Generation ratio in Pakistan is given below:
Thermal Power Generation 63%
Hydro Power Generation 25%
Wind Power Generation 5.4%
Nuclear Power Generation 6.6%
Santiago is the Capital of _____
- Chile
- Columbia
- Venezuela
- Bolivia
- a
Santiago became the capital of Chile in 1818.
Chile is a country is South America.
Currency of Chile is Peso.
Which of the following is a Double Landlocked State?
- Kazakhstan
- Uzbekistan
- Venezuela
- Afghanistan
- b
Landlocked Country is a country that is surrounded by dry land or Any country that has no sea around it.
Double Landlocked country means “a country surrounded by landlocked countries”.
Uzbekistan surrounded by five landlocked countries which are Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.
There are 44 landlocked countries in the world.
World Bank’s Headquarter is located in:
- New York
- Washington DC
- Houston
- Miami
- b
World Bank was founded in July 1944 at Bretton Woods Conference.
Bretton Woods Conference is also known as “United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference”.
There are 174 member countries of WB.
Current President of World Bank is David Malpass.
How many times, Pakistan has been the non-permanent member of UN Security Council?
- Five
- Six
- Seven
- Eight
- c
Pakistan has got non-permanent membership in UNSC for seven times.
First Membership 1952-1953
Second Membership 1968-1969
Third Membership 1976-1977
Fourth Membership 1983-1984
Fifth Membership 1993-1994
Sixth Membership 2003-2004
Seventh Membership 2012-2013
Pro-Democracy activist Ales Bialiastski received Nobel Prize for Peace 2022 is from_____
- Romania
- Belarus
- Moldova
- Ukrain
- b
Ales Victravich Bialiatski was awarded with many medals.
He was awarded with Human Rights Prize in 2013.
He was awarded with Right Livelihood Award in 2020.
He was awarded with Noble Peace Prize in 2022.