- Search Engine
- Scanning Technology
- Display System
- Network of Networks
- d
WAPDA Department
All Papers of WAPDA Department are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All WAPDA MCQs of All Papers are completely solved with short detail. Our team updates this website on daily basis.
In a computer, A keyboard is used as:
- Output Device
- Input Device
- Both B & A
- None of these
- b
Light Pen
Joy Stick
A collection of computer that are connected together is called:
- Meeting
- Network
- Team
- Group
- b
There are different types of networks i.e. Personal Areal Network (PAN), Local Area Network (LAN), Campus Area Network (CAN) and etc.
Software Program that control hardware devices are called:
- Drivers
- Control Panel
- Messenger
- None of these
- a
URL is an abbreviation of:
- Universal Resource Locator
- Uniform Resource Locator
- Uniform Research Locator
- None of these
- b
In 1992, Tim Berners Lee created three things:
HTTP Protocol
All the files deleted from the computer are stored in the:
- Recycle Bin
- My Computer
- My Network Places
- Internet Explorer
- a
Windows 2007 is an:
- Application Software
- Operating System
- Word Processor
- None of these
- b
In MS Word, Red Colored line error shows:
- Grammar Mistakes
- Spelling Mistakes
- Both
- None of these
- b
Blue Coloured Error Lines shows Grammar Mistakes.
Which bar shows the “Start Button”?
- Address Bar
- Task Bar
- Menu Bar
- None of these
- B
Task Bar also shows pinned programs, Wifi Signal, Battery Option, Sound Option and etc.
What is Undo shortcut key?
- Ctrl + Y
- Ctrl + Z
- Ctrl + I
- Ctrl + A
- b
The Redo Command id Ctrl + Y.