- Tabraiz-ud-Din
- Qazi Khalifa Hameed-ud-Din
- Moeen-ud-Din
- None of these
- b
It was established in 24 December,1884.
- Treaty of Hudaibia
- Obligation of Namaz
- Fateh Makka
- None of these
- a
The treaty of Hudaibia was signed between Muhammad (PBUH) from Medina and Quresh Tribe of Makkah.
- 8th Hijrah
- 10th Hijrah
- 9th Hijrah
- 11th Hijrah
- a
- Galileo
- Oscar
- Waterman
- Fahrenheit
- a
He invented the Thermo-Meter in 1596.
- a
UNGA United Nations General Assembly
UNO United Nations Organization
UNSC United Nations Security Council
ILO International Labour Organization
- Al-Berooni
- Albert Einstein
- Edward Jenner
- Alexander Fleming
- c
Edward Jenner developed small pox vaccination in 1796.
- 1939
- 1945
- 1914
- 1948
- c
Duration of First World War was 1914-1918
The Second World War duration was 1939-1945.
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin K
- b
It has two types Wet & Dry.
It effects the heart and circulatory system.
- Gold
- Lead
- Silver
- Copper
- c
- Tuberculosis
- Measles
- Pink Eye
- Typhoid
- b
Measles is an infection disease.