- Universal Postal Union
- United Postal Union
- Universal Postal Organization
- None of these
- a
- United Nations World Territory Organization
- Union Nation World Tourism Organization
- United Nations World Tourism Organization
- United National Water Treaty Orgazanization
- c
- United Nations Industrial development Organization
- United Nations Industry and Development
- Union Nations Industry and Development
- United Nations Industry Department
- a
- International National Educational and Social Organization
- United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization
- United National Education and Scientific Organization
- None of these
- b
- International Telecommunication Union
- International Territory Union
- International Terrorism Union
- International Tolerance Union
- a
- Electronic Test
- Elective Test
- Electrical Test
- None of these
- a
ETEST stands for Electronic Test.
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- International Memorandum of Organizations
- International Manual Organization
- International Marriage Organization
- International Monetary Fund
- d
- International Monetary Organization
- International Medium Organization
- International Maritime Organization
- None of these
- c
- International Law Organization
- International Labour Organization
- International Labour Organ
- Internal Logical Output
- b
- International Fund for Agri-Development
- International Food and Agri-Agri-Development
- Internal Food and Agriculture Department
- None of these
- a