- She Wizard
- Whale
- Witch
- Vixen
- c
Wizard جادوگر
Witch ڈائن
What is Feminine of noun “Deer”?
- Stag
- Deeress
- Doe
- Fawn
- c
What is Singular of “Storeys”?
- Storey
- Stores
- Story
- Storie
- a
Storeys منزلیں
Storey منزل
What is Plural of “Fly”?
- Flys
- Flyes
- Flyies
- Flies
- d
Find the antonym of bracket word: It is a (sharp) knife.
- Useless
- Broken
- Blunt
- Rusted
- c
Sharp تیز
Blunt کند
Find the antonym of bracket word: Their teacher was very (angry) with them.
- Satisfied
- Comfortable
- Funny
- Pleased
- a
Angry ناراض
Satisfied مطمئن
Find the antonym of bracket word: (Next) year they will buy a goat and a cow.
- First
- Previous
- Lastly
- Before
- b
Next اگلے
Previous پچھلے
Find the antonym of bracket word: Our Team (won).
- Lost
- Losed
- Loosed
- Defeated
- a
Won جیت لیا
Lost کھو دیا
Find the antonym of bracket word: Our soldiers always (protect) our country.
- Worsen
- Spoil
- Harm, Damage, Destroy
- Attack
- d
Protect حفاظت کرنا
Attack حملہ کرنا
Find the synonym of bracket word: (Enjoy) yourself.
- To be happy get pleasure from something
- To have something that is an advantage to you
- Entertain
- To have fun
- a