- 08
- 10
- 12
- 15
- a
There are 27 bones in hand.
How many joints in Human Body?
- 358
- 260
- 360
- 300
- c
Total bones in human body are 206.
Deficiency of Vitamin B is causes of:
- MI
- Beri Beri
- Cough
- Hepatitis
- b
The wurm on Liver is called:
- Hepatitus
- Heart Diseases
- Dementia
- Skin Diseases
- a
The decrease of RBSs in blood is called:
- Anemia
- Fiver
- a
The decrease of WBCs is called “Leukopenia”.
When the Heart is contracting, It is called:
- Systolic
- Diastolic
- Both A & B
- None of these
- a
When Heart fills with blood is called Diastolic.
ORS stands for:
- Oral Rehydration Solution
- Open Rehydration Solution
- Oral Rental Solution
- Oral Rehabilitation Solution
- a
How many Vitals Signs?
- 04
- 05
- 06
- 07
- b
Blood Pressure
The pulse shows about the Heart Beat Power and ……..
- Speed
- Acceleration
- Velocity
- None of these
- a
The absence of suitable supply of Oxygen to main parts of body is called:
- Shock
- Heart Attack
- Asthma
- Brain Stroke
- a